
HubSpot product update March 2024

Written by Mathilde Vanelsacker | May 3, 2024 11:50:23 AM


Here's a new monthly update for you guys. We've taken a moment to list our favorites. Curious? Then read on!

Koho's favorites

  1. Blog text-to-speech module
  2. Launch of Commerce Hub in the EU
  3. AI assistant for Google search ads
  4. Add your own titles in AI blog
  5. LinkedIn audience targeting
  6. Cookie consent banner personalization
  7. List notifications

Add narration module to your blog

We are totally excited about this great update! Remember the previous update where it became possible to add an audio module? Well, from now on you can use those modules to automatically generate an audio version of your blog within HubSpot itself.
This (beta) feature converts the content of your blog post into 'text-to-speech' audio via an embedded module, and you can even choose from different voices! We're totally fans!
Mind you, as with all AI, we note that this functionality obviously works better in English than in, say, Dutch.
Tip: Don't forget to update your blog template by your developer to use the audio module.

Available for: Professional, Enterprise licenses

Launch of Commerce Hub in EU

Already dreamed about what it would be like to be able to invoice and handle payments with HubSpot? Well, your dreams came true! As of now, Commerce Hub is available in Europe!
You can now run your entire commerce process using HubSpot's Smart CRM. Switch from an overload of different tools to one tool with all your quotes, payments, reports and customer data under one roof.You'llhave all the insights and automation you need to grow better. Breathe a sigh of relief ... your e-commerce just got a whole lot easier.
Commerce Hub includes all the tools and integrations you need to manage payments in HubSpot. Request and collect payments, streamline subscriptions, and increase your efficiency and reporting. Plus, you can choose to process your payments with your Stripe account or HubSpot payments.
Here are some popular features within commerce hub:
Send out your invoices quickly and efficiently directly from your HubSpot Smart CRM. This allows you to stay on top of invoices with tracking and management of overdue invoices.
Payment Links
Set up simple and powerful payment links that let you sell from anywhere.


Create and send quotes, collect electronic signatures and receive payments from the same place you manage your deals.


More info on this soon! Can't wait? Read more here.
Available for: all licenses
Use AI assistant in your Google ads

HubSpot is on fire with AI updates! It is now possible to activate an AI assistant in Ads. This helps you create ad texts from scratch with simple instructions for Google search ads.

How to use it.

Suppose you need to launch a campaign to promote your product. You want to use paid media for this but have never created an ad text before. With the AI Assistant, you get help by giving simple instructions. For example,"Write a compelling ad where it highlights the benefits of our new product. Use a light-hearted writing style.". You can enter up to 6 prompts. Moreover, you also have the option to actively rewrite, expand and shorten the generated text. Totally customizable to how you want it!


Available for: all licenses

Add your own titles to AI blog generator

Let's go deeper into personalizing AI presentations. From now on, you can customize your titles in the AI blog post. Previously, it was not possible to change a suggested title to your preferences; you could only generate more.

The AI blog post generator is top for users who don't know exactly what they want to write about. But suppose you actually do have clear ideas and have several chapters already in your head? However, you would still like to generate text for these specific titles. Well, then this is the ideal middle ground.


Available for: all licenses

LinkedIn audience targeting

LinkedIn targeting allows you to tailor content to specific audiences. It is possible to target your posts based on your followers' profile information, such as organization size, industry, job title, experience, geography and language preference.

Targeted posts are actively displayed only to members who fall within the target criteria. If that message is shared or reposted, then members outside the target audience can see the message.

Used case

You want to promote a new drink in the food & beverage industry. By using post targeting you can target your message to this industry-in this case focused on hospitality business owners. This allows you to reach exactly the people most likely to be interested in your products, resulting in more effective interaction and potentially more sales


LinkedIn requires your page to have at least 300 followers to enable targeting.

Available for: Professional and Enterprise

Personalise your cookie banner now

No more boring cookies! From now on you can fully customize your cookies to make sure your banner perfectly matches the design of your website. Choose your favorite colors, play with the position, change the shape, and even determine the size of the banner.

Available for: starter, professional and enterprise

List notifications

HubSpot introduces "list notifications. This makes it easier to understand crucial changes to lists in real time.

Now receive notifications when:

  • A list is edited or deleted
  • The size of a list changes significantly (powered by HubSpot AI)
  • A list reaches a specific size

When to use it.

Say you're hosting an event with limited capacity. So you can set to now receive a notification when your list reaches that capacity. This can help you quickly understand the impact of a campaign or recent communication.


Impressed by these great updates? Then let's look forward to the next updates together! In the meantime, if you have any questions about HubSpot, feel free to contact us!