
HubSpot product update february 2024

Written by Mathilde Vanelsacker | May 3, 2024 11:43:46 AM


This blog will bring you the latest HubSpot updates every month! In this blog post, we highlight Koho's favorite updates from January 2024. Wondering what's new? Then read on quickly!

Koho's favorites

  1. LinkedIn document support
  2. Audio module in pages and blogs
  3. Conditional form to url routing
  4. Custom code description
  5. Customisable default deal name

Adding LinkedIn documents to your posts

It is now possible to add documents to your LinkedIn posts prepared from HubSpot. As marketers, it is important to offer varied content to increase your engagement. Publishing documents on LinkedIn now makes it possible to deliver comprehensive info in a format that is easier foryour readersto digest . This can range from reports to case studies, perfect for longer copy. Because you can now upload this content through HubSpot, you can more easily track your clicks and engagement. Our favorite is using slideshares!

Available for: Enterprise, Professional licenses

Add an audio module in pages and blogs

Make your website more vibrant by adding audio elements to your pages and blogs! Whether you want to have your blog read to people who can't read well or just want to share a cool podcast, it's all possible.

Available for: all licenses


Add a custom code description in workflows

Make your life easier and add descriptions to your custom code! It will also be displayed on the action card when you view your workflow. This makes it easier for "non-techies" to use this code in workflows, without getting lost in coding jargon.

Available for: Enterprise, Professional licenses

Conditional form to url routing

After filling out a form, you can now redirect visitors to a meeting link, your HubSpot page or an external URL. Personalize the experience based on specific conditions, such as region or company size, to direct each visitor in the right direction. For example, redirect form submissions from a particular sector (Professional Services or Industrial) to a sales rep specializing in that sector for a more personalized follow-up.

Available for: Enterprise and live

Personalize your 'default deal' name

Administrators can now customize the default deal name for deals created from existing contact and company records. This means less manual entry and more consistency in naming.A great feature that simplifies and makes managing your deals more efficient.

Available for: all licenses


See you next month with new updates! Still have questions about your HubSpot?